Post Location: <span>Wellington Region</span>

Wellington City has the worst PT services yet pays the highest fares and the highest Transport Rates.

* About 20 cents in every dollar of fare paid by Wellington City Bus riders actually goes to help fund poorly used bus services in the rest of region
* About 40 cents in every dollar paid by Wellington City, Lower Hutt City and Porirua city residential ratepayers goes to subsidise expensive rail and poorly used bus services in Upper Hutt, Kapiti and especially the Wairarapa
* In 2017/18, Wellington City ratepayers outside the CBD paid 20% of the region’s Transport Rates and this more than pays for Wellington City public transport (PT) services. … Read more ...

Public Transport

The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) 2019/20 Annual Plan Public Transport (PT) collects revenue of $304.4M to fund the cost of providing the regions PT services.  The GWRC calculates Metlink funding by subtracting fare revenue from the cost of the service and then allocates government subsidies and other revenue (such as loans) against the cost of providing each line item of PT services and the final deficit being the amount to be funded through the GWRC Transport Rate as outlined below:

NOTE1: All figures in this analysis are to the nearest dollar. … Read more ...

Public Transport

* Understanding the funding of bus and rail services is an essential part of understanding the value of spending $301M on bus and rail services to different parts of the Wellington Region

* Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) collects about $70M in Transport Rates to help make up the difference between fares and bus/rail costs – but not all ratepayers are being charged equally.… Read more ...

Public Transport

Passenger Rail PT services are very expensive due to high capital costs.  But because so much of the capital infrastructure is shared across multiple services cost allocation is more difficult than bus services.

This does not mean that the rail costs cannot be estimated for different services sharing tracks, stations and network systems. … Read more ...

Public Transport

The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) 2019/20 Annual Plan Public Transport (PT) estimates it will cost $304M to provide Metlink PT services which are funded by fares, subsidies, loans and Transport Rates. This is a lot of money … in fact the GWRC spends more on providing public transport than all other activities combined. … Read more ...

Public Transport

* Wellington City Bus Users pay a much higher percentage of the cost of their bus service than the rest of the Greater Wellington Region
* This means Wellington City bus users are being overcharged by millions every year to support bus services in other cities
* Wellington City bus fares are too high and could be reduced by changing from 3 zones to 2 zones for the city

Wellington City has High Public Transport Fares

[Note: The information in this post is the basis for the DomPost story “Wellington City bus commuters ‘ripped off’ by new bus network and higher fares” also published today.]Read more ...

Public Transport

  • The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) has finalised its Long Term Plan including key decisions on rates funding
  • Regional council final decisions on Transport Rates and rates funding for flood protection mean a multi-million dollar increase in their rates demand for Wellington City … Wellington City residents are worst hit
  • The GWRC will now increase the average Wellington City Household rates bill by over $200/year … and no-one noticed!
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Public Transport

  • The GWRC is changing how the Transport Rates that fund the regions PT service is allocated to ratepayers. They claim that this change means Hutt Valley, South Wairarapa and Porirua pay a bit less toward public transport than they do now, while residents in Wellington city, Kāpiti and Masterton pay a bit more”.
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Public Transport

Public Transport

The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) claims Wellington public transport commuters needs a fare increase to fund cost increases.  So what happened to the many millions in cost savings they previously announced when they awarded the rail service to TransDev and most of the bus services to Transit ?… Read more ...

Public Transport