Wellington Commuter Posts

  • LGWM was made to release their Mass Rapid Transit Option Capital Cost Breakdown
  • This reveals some very questionable cost estimates in these options
  • Of special concern is the apparent cost inflation of the Bus Rapid Transit Option

Banner showing part of the LGWM MRT Options Capital Costs document

Very quietly, Let’s Get Wellington Moving releases the MRT Option Capital Costs

[UPDATE: The LGWM programme was shut down at the end of March 2024 by the incoming government. Read more ...

Public Transport

  • The North Wellington PT Study considered four “Scenarios” with convert the line into a Busway being the most popular but the Labour government said keep the trains.
  • The consultants report also recommended “Do Minimum” which was to keep the line.
  • LGWM did not even consider reviewing this decision so now it is time to check how this recommendation was fixed.
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Public Transport

  • The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because no bus Scenario had a better Benefit Cost Ratio
  • But the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended “Base Case” excluded the cost of buying any replacement EMU trains and other costs as well
  • Excluding these costs hid that the Bus-On-Street Scenario had the best Benefit Cost Ratio

Picture of a Train up high on Jacks

This post follows The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006) which is the introduction this series of posts on “How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail” and will focus on how the “Do Minimum” Rail Base Case Benefit Cost Ratio was fixed in the SKM Stage 3 Report to help it come first.… Read more ...

Public Transport

  • The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because no bus Scenario had a better Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
  • But the SKM Stage 3 Report included tens of millions in costs in the Bus-On-Street that were not required to implement this Scenario
  • Including these costs hid that the Bus-On-Street Scenario had the best BCR

Cartoon Image of a Bus being sunk into a hole

This is the 3rd in this series of posts on “How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail” and it is recommended that the introduction post, The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006) and then How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 1 Jack Up the Rail Option BCR are read first to provide context.… Read more ...


  • The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line by fixing the BCRs to hide that its modelling showed the Bus-On-Street Scenario was the best performing option.
  • The Bus-On-Street Scenario only performed so well because the model invalidly included billions of future transport project improvements meaning future roads would be congestion free.
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Public Transport

  • In 2006, the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended a Do Minimum “Base Case” based on replacing the old English Electric EMUs with refurbished Ganz-Mavag EMUs.
  • In 2010, the GWRC then announced that new Matangi EMUs would operate on the Johnsonville Line.
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Public Transport

  • Wellington is growing and committed to increased use of public transport
  • But the Golden Mile Project will not improve bus capacity so how will the 13,000 future bus commuters get to work?
  • It’s not that LGWM failed to increase bus capacity along the Golden Mile, it’s that they did not even try …

LGWM Golden Mile Project is a Fail

Wellington will greatly increase its bus usage

Wellington faces serious peak time congestion mainly because we so much employment based in our CBD. … Read more ...

Public Transport

  • Wellington is an unusual city due to a huge portion of jobs being in the CBD
  • We experience serious “tidal” congestion due to the huge morning inflow of commuters into the CBD and then out from CBD in the evening
  • The peak time pressure on the Golden Mile is huge but otherwise Wellington is quite an accessible city

One could rightly say that every city is different but, on the spectrum of city characteristics, Wellington City is unusual in a number of ways.… Read more ...

Public Transport

* For most areas in New Zealand cities the most common alternative to driving is to take bus public transport
* But NZ Transport planners keep assuming buses have limited capacity and so we must to spend billions on building rail and light rail lines to the city CBD
* Transport planning best practice says streets can support much higher volumes of buses.… Read more ...

Public Transport

How many Commuters will a future Wellington’s have and what Mode will they be using?

* Lets Get Wellington Moving expects about 17,000 more peak hour commuters will travel into the CBD by 2036
* But there’s a problem because the Wellington City Council predicts many more future residents and so this may mean over 35,000 more commuters
* The commitment to handle the majority of future commuter growth by bus and rail public transport means majors increases in the capacity of both are needed

Wellington City is facing two huge challenges, how to house more people in a city with the highest housing prices in the country and how to improve transport for all the city’s residents.… Read more ...

Active Mode Public Transport