There are several ways to evaluate and compare various options to select the best option going forward. In New Zealand, Waka Katohi (NZTA) requires major transport projects to use their Economic Evaluation Manual (EEM) to guide the evaluation of transport Options.… Read more ...
Tag: <span>Rail Funding</span>
Wellington City has the worst PT services yet pays the highest fares and the highest Transport Rates.
* About 20 cents in every dollar of fare paid by Wellington City Bus riders actually goes to help fund poorly used bus services in the rest of region
* About 40 cents in every dollar paid by Wellington City, Lower Hutt City and Porirua city residential ratepayers goes to subsidise expensive rail and poorly used bus services in Upper Hutt, Kapiti and especially the Wairarapa
* In 2017/18, Wellington City ratepayers outside the CBD paid 20% of the region’s Transport Rates and this more than pays for Wellington City public transport (PT) services. … Read more ...
The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) 2019/20 Annual Plan Public Transport (PT) collects revenue of $304.4M to fund the cost of providing the regions PT services. The GWRC calculates Metlink funding by subtracting fare revenue from the cost of the service and then allocates government subsidies and other revenue (such as loans) against the cost of providing each line item of PT services and the final deficit being the amount to be funded through the GWRC Transport Rate as outlined below:
NOTE1: All figures in this analysis are to the nearest dollar. … Read more ...